Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Thirsty Crow Song (Remembrance Edition)


Looking back, 2017 brings a lot of fond memories. It was a happening year for us. Subhadip's family from Kolkata visited us in Hyderabad in March. And thus began "HoiChoi", our music channel. We made "The Thirsty Crow Song" (Blog page) to keep the kids (Shoumodip and Srishti) away from the TV and phones. 

Subhadip and his father kept the kids busy. They wrote the song and practised singing. But slowly, all other family members pitched in. Subhadip's mother, uncle, aunt and grandmother too! And me, of course. What a wonderful time we had!

But, happy times don't last long. This year, we lost Subhadip's mother. Never imagined this day would come so suddenly, so soon. 

Maa, we miss you.
(All rights reserved. Not to be copied/shared.)
- Kavita

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